The Land

The Liĺwat7úl have called this territory home since time immemorial. The land is central to Líĺwat culture and identity as expressed in the Ucwalmícwts phrase “pala7míntwal i ucwalmícwa múta7 ti tmícwa” — the land and people are together as one. The Speĺkúmtn Community Forest is situated entirely within the Unceded and Traditional Territory of Líĺwat Nation.

Knowledge of the Land

Animal Species

Conservation of wildlife and their habitat is an important aspect of forest management in the Speĺkúmtn Community Forest. A wide range of animal species inhabit the lands within the SCF, a number of which have been identified as requiring special consideration in forest management.

Tree Species

The forested area of the SCF is primarily composed of the following timber species: (tree info from

Some other creatures and plants of interest

If you keep your eyes open, you may be able to find some of these interesting species around OneMile Lake in Nkukwema/Pemberton. Look for signs on the Sea to Sky and Piece of Cake trails to help you find likely habitat!