Request for Proposal - Board Leadership and Governance training
Spel’kúmtn Community Forest (SCF) is seeking proposals from experienced consultants who can provide insight, direction and facilitation to enhance the governance practices of the organization.
We are seeking to deepen our understanding of governance principles, roles and responsibilities, and develop or refine policies and practices to support improved Board functioning, decision-making and organizational effectiveness.
Innovation in our forests
Standing single stem harvesting is a progressive, innovative method that allows for light harvest and low impact to the forest floor and ecosystem. Operations will involve closures in the Green River area in late September-October 2024.
Ts’zil - Green River heli harvesting underway
Standing single stem harvesting is a progressive, innovative method that allows for light harvest and low impact to the forest floor. Operations will involve closures in the Green River area in summer 2024.
Miller Creek area - 2024 Proposed Harvesting Referral Form
The Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest is seeking review and comment regarding the proposed harvesting and associated road construction for cutblocks MI102, MI103A, MI103B, MI103C and MI103D specifically with respect to use of the area by members of the communities of Pemberton and Mount Currie. Please submit comments by January 21, 2024 to spelkumtncf@gmail.com
Request for Proposal - Strategic Planning Facilitation
Spel’kúmtn Community Forest (SCF) is seeking proposals from experienced consultants who can provide strong strategic insight, facilitation skills, and craft a compelling, actionable strategic plan.
OneMile Lake Fuel Thinning - Fall/Winter 2023-2024
Reducing wildfire risk through manual pruning, piling and burning. Work anticipated to start on January 3rd, 2024.
Summer 2023 newsletter
Catch up on spring and early summer happenings in the Spel’kúmtn Community Forest
A warm welcome to our new Board Directors
It is with bittersweet emotion that the Speĺkúmtn Community Forest (SCF) announces the departure of our Interim Board Members and welcomes our new Board of Directors. We have deep gratitude for the service of our exiting Directors and great enthusiasm for the path that lies ahead for the new Board.
March 30, 2023 OPEN HOUSE
Save the date! We look forward to seeing you to discuss harvest planning, exciting developments within the Community Forest, and answer questions you might have.
Miller Creek area Proposed Harvesting
The SCF is seeking review and comment regarding the proposed harvesting and associated road construction for cutblocks MI100A, MI100C and MI100D specifically with respect to use of the area by members of the communities of Pemberton and Mt Currie.
Curious about Community Forests?
A community forest is a forestry operation managed by a local government, First Nation, or community-held organization for the benefit of the entire community. At its core, community forestry is about local control over the benefits offered by local forests.
Mackenzie Basin Harvesting Schedule Update
Hauling timber from the blocks in the Mackenzie Basin started on March 10, 2022 and will continue until approximately April 7, 2022. We ask that recreational users of this area exercise extreme caution while driving, cycling or otherwise using the Mackenzie FSR when logging trucks are present. Please respect all forestry activity-related signage and remember that descending/loaded logging trucks always have the right-of-way.